Recently when I was in Africa and limited wi-fi and some emails snuck through to (drove me crazy not getting everything) I was fortunate to find out that ‘Deceptive Markings’ had won a prize in the World Quilt Competition…truly excited I eventually found it was 3rd prize in Innovative category. Thrilled to bits I was as this piece is so different you just never know how it will be received.
As this year goes on I’ve been so fortunate to be accepted in Houston Quilt Festival 2019 with 2 pieces – Bordering Extinction and She Matters, not prize winners but it doesn’t matter, my work is accepted, anything after that is a huge highlight. I’ve also had rejections, 5 in fact in the last 12 months. So again to have these opportunities to enter and be accepted is really a great thrill for me which I will never tire of.
I entered PQIF (Pacific Quilts International Festival) in Santa Clara, California USA for the first time this year and accepted into with Reflections – Harbour Fenders & Cat Groove (a bit of a new look for me)…well they only exhibit for the one weekend but I was stoked and honored to received 2 awards! Reflections – Best Use of Colour and Cat Groove – Second Prize in Modern Quilt competition. I feel very blessed to receive any recognition and certainly gain momentum when getting support from the people around me.

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