Happy New Year! I’m finally posting some news after a very busy last few months.
So the good news is my new piece called ‘Moondance’ (after the Van Morrison song) has been accepted into the ‘Fly Me To The Moon’ Celebration. It will be one of 178 textile works all relating to the Moon and historical moments, missions, and ‘Where were you when?’ leading up to the 50th Anniversary of Man’s Walk on the Moon. These works will be exhibited around the USA over the next 4 years and I’ll update here where and when so if you’re nearby please go along and have a look.
Here is the first full public image of my Dancers in full view of the moon. Thoroughly enjoyed making this piece as the moon itself is partially made from a product never used in textile art before. All very exciting and I am thrilled to be part of the celebration.
A Big thank you to Susanne Miller Jones who has been calling for entries, and coordinating the artists etc from the beginning. Susanne has done a remarkable job so far.
Fantastic work!!
Thank you x
Congratulations Sue! It looks like it’s going to be a fun exhibit
Thanks Brenda. Some of the works are fabulous, very exciting to be part of it.
Your work is fabulous Sue, you and your family are very talented!
Thanks Lesley. Yes we feed off of each a bit too.
I love the dancers expressions and just want to touch that moon! Fabulous as usual!?
Thank you Leyette.
Funny I was looking forward to doing the dancers but the Moon was great fun to work on.